Wednesday, October 31, 2012

How to experience Belgium and experience a carboload (photojournal)

First things first, eat a waffle. It doesn't matter where, you are in Belgium, just eat waffles.

See a statue of a peeing boy. Classic. Extra points if you make a wicked gringa face. (For those of you who aren't Lauren, gringa face = classic overexcited canadian/american face)

It's good to have a variety of waffles. Here we have a nutella waffle and a strawberries&cream waffle.

Experience picturesque towns and canals and buildings.

Find and eat expensive chocolates.

Do something historic. For example, go to Ypres (see previous post about how to not get there).

This is Meningate. It was constructed as a sight for soldiers to see as they came into the city, sort of as a homecoming feature. Inside were inscriptions of all the soldiers who died at Ypres.

Find something related to comic books - museums or just sweet graffiti on buildings.

Go to the EU headquarters!

After eating waffles for a few days, go to a real waffle place and order the waffle that will ruin all other waffles for you. Then, eat no other waffles. (FYI, this is sacrilegious for my family).

And, as a final thought, I thought I would show you what building was directly attached to my hostel.

More UK adventures to come!

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