So I realize that I may have dropped the blogging ball, but do not fear! I am alive and well-traveled. I'm hoping to do quite a few posts in the next couple of days so that I don't have to pack all my stories into one post :)
I wasn't planning on going to Madrid, I had no interests in it whatsoever, but I started thinking about the next time I would be in Spain, and thus, I ended up in Spain. I hated leaving Sevilla, when I think the city is so beautiful and so rich in architecture and history but I decided Madrid needed a full day to itself.
And I'm glad I went!
Apart from the hostel crew I met in Stirling, I met some really awesome people in Madrid! I met Paktis, who also likes to powerwalk and see all there is to see. I must say, I don't think my legs have hurt that much since that one day in Coombe Abbey!
So with our one day in Madrid, we managed to see SO MUCH. We went to markets and to parks and to shopping and to a museum and to the palace.
gas mask stand in El Rastro market |
El Retiro |
El Retiro |
Paktis, in El Retiro. |
City Centre Madrid |
Our day ended by us walking to the hostel after a somewhat bizarre adventure to find cheap food. The man at the hostel told us exactly where on our map to go, and that when we get there it would be 10 euros for all you can eat. Now, being poor travelers, we were up for all you can eat, and ten euros isn't too bad. And we were convinced that if we couldn't find this place, we would go for cheap groceries and make things at the hostel.
Instead, we ended up at a slightly pricey Indian restaurant eating and watching Bollywood film clips. I don't know why I don't watch more Bollywood - it is hysterical!
I was pretty tired by this point, and was convinced of going to sleep upon return to hostel but that also got thwarted! Ended up meeting some really cool people and talking late into the night!
I wish I had more time in Spain.
One of the weirdest things about my travels to Spain is that I was constantly told before I left about Spanish men, and about pickpocketers. You know, being a single traveling girl people automatically assumed I had never thought of these things. However, I did not encounter
any problems! I did drop my wallet once, but that was my fault and it was returned in perfect order.
In Madrid, I still was carrying all my suitcases and stairs proved to be quite difficult. In times where my arms just couldn't manage anymore, there was always some man or woman who helped me lift my bags up the stairs, and with a smile!
People were definitely way creepier in Belgium.
Anyways, I will definitely miss Spain, and speaking Spanish. I am already making plans for 2013...